May I first of all thank you for your enquiry about Ardnahoe Nursery for your child. Transitions can be very challenging for children, particularly if it is the first time they have been separated from their parent/carer. This is why we arrange a home visit prior to the actual start date, so that we can see the child at home get to know them a little and begin to make connections. We will also complete a large chunk of the paperwork for your child during this visit so that we can concentrate on them when they enrol. In order to provide as much support and to make the transition for children as easy as possible we try, where possible to start one child per morning or afternoon session. This ensures that the child has the support of his or her key worker in the playroom/garden. Parents will be encouraged to allow staff to get to know their child a short distance away from them initially building up to them sitting in the foyer and then leaving for an hour. We also try to ensure the key worker has one new child per week. This allows them to spend time with the new children over the week to provide support and get to know them. It is important to emphasis that the process of settling children is not rushed, the pace and time it takes for a child to settle is individual to them.
If a home visit has not done, while a child is settling in to the playrooms, the parent/carer will begin to complete the child's Care Plan with the key worker along with all other relevant paperwork.
Forms to be completed
- Enrolment - Information about child and family
- Toothbrushing Permission
- Medical Conditions - Allergies and Dietary Requirements
- Emergency and Collection Contacts
- General Permission - Sun Screen, Plasters, Head Lice, Face Painting, Health Professionals etc
The staff member will also discuss the school handbook and explain procedures and policies which operate in the school.
Please feel free to ask questions or convey any worries you may have during the induction process. We are here to support you and your child.
If you have included information in the application form about your child having an additional support need then you will probably receive a phone call prior to your child starting. This is simply to ensure we are able to support them fully on arrival. The home visit also allows us to see your child in an environment familiar to them which is immensely valuable to staff when planning support. It is therefore important that you share as much information as possible with the nursery. If you have not include significant information in your application form please phone the nursery to discuss your child's needs with the Head of Nursery.
Please do not hesitate to phone 0141 647 8934 prior to your child starting should you have any questions.