Ardnahoe Nursery School
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Capacity & School Hours

70 Full time equivalent at any time - 52 weeks

Opening Hours :      8.00am – 5.45pm
Daily Sessions : Full Time                      8.00am - 5.45pm
                           Part Time Morning       8.00am - 12.45pm
                           Part Time Afternoon    1.00pm -  5.45pm
All Children are entitled to 1140 hours free childcare per year and this is generally provided as five session over 50 weeks or six sessions for term time placements.
Full time places are available and are allocated in accordance with the Council's admissions policy and availability.  There is a charge for any additional hours over the free 1140 hours.  Lunches are available for part time children at present but they are not an entitlement until August 2020.  Flexible hours can be offered to meet specific needs of families.  Please ask for a Parent Pack from the office which details Glasgow City Council's charging policy.