News Letter August 2021
Welcome back
To all our children and families and we hope you have all had a super summer. It is hard to believe that the children returning will be our pre-school group, who will take on the very important role of helping to support all the new children to settle in. They will also be leading the way for learning. The year ahead will as always be a busy one for all of us. We hope you will become involved and be able to join us in the building to work in partnership to support your children make progress and get ready for their move on to primary one.
I am delighted to welcome some new 52 weeks staff to the team here at Ardnahoe -
Katie Gillies - Child Development Team Leader
Ashley McGregor - Depute
Lauren Murphy, Lauren Smart, and Robyn Meek
Child Development Officers
These ladies have settled in nicely over the summer. They will join Leigh, Kirsty, Danielle (on Return from maternity leave) and myself to operate the nursery throughout the year during term time holidays. Sadly, we no longer have Tricia Mills as depute, Tricia is moving on to become the new Head of Nursery at Hilltop. Whilst we will all miss her very much we are delighted for her and glad she was part of our team, albeit for a very short time. We will all miss her tremendously and wish her all the very best in her new role. On a positive note continue to work in partnership with Tricia and her staff at Hilltop nursery to play and learn together. Stephanie has also returned to Ardnahoe on a temporary basis.
It is with great delight that I can share lovely news that Danielle’s has safely delivered a beautiful baby girl. Both mum and baby are doing well and we cannot wait to see them both in person for a hug.
Key Worker Groups
Due to the movement of staff across the city we have had to re-organise the group allocation for children. I have tried to keep the movement to a minimum and children with their friends. We will let you know who your child’s key worker in as soon as possible.
It is with great joy and happiness that we are able to operate without having children in bubbles and without having the playroom and garden spaces separated due to the pandemic. We will be operating as near to normal as possible and parents will be permitted to enter the building to settle new children or to participate in small events outdoors. If parents are entering the building we would respectfully ask them to take a test before the visit. We will keep you up to date should this change. Guidance does however state that we should continue to ask parents
specific questions in relation to the pandemic as the children are dropped off.
Do they have any signs or symptoms of Covid-19?
Have they been in contact with anyone with Covid-19?
Please keep your child at home if they are showing any of the signs or symptoms for Covid-19
and have them tested. A gentle reminder of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are:
A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Your continued support with this is very much appreciated, and I am sure you will agree that if we continue to work together we will be able to keep the service operating so that the children can develop and learn whilst having great fun with all their friends.
Guidance and restrictions continue to be in place for children bringing items to nursery from home. Whilst this can be quite challenging for children to understand we would appreciate your co-operation with this.
There will once again be an opportunity for parents to enter the building for planned events and specific meetings about their child. We may ask you to take a test prior to any indoor visits and would respectfully ask for your support with this. Please do not bring bag, rucksacks or toys to nursery.
1140 hours
We will resume delivery of 1140 hours from August 2021. Children in the morning will have a session 8.00 – 12.45 and afternoon children 1.00 – 5.45. Parents are permitted to bring their child in later in the morning or collect earlier in the afternoon is they wish. We would kindly ask that you inform the nursery if you intend doing this.
Children must be collected no later than 15 minutes prior to their leaving time to ensure they are out of the building on time and to ensure we are working within the statutory guidelines required for adult to child ratios. The safety of the children in nursery is a priority therefore continuing to work within these requirements is paramount.
Delivery of Lunch
All children will have access to a hot or cold lunch daily. Morning children will have a hot lunch whilst afternoon children will have a cold option. In order to reduced food waste, should afternoon parents wish to opt out of the lunch provision, preferring to give their child lunch at home prior to them coming to nursery. Please let a member of staff know. All dietary requirements for health or cultural reasons are catered for. Morning children will have lunch between 11.30 and 12.15 whilst afternoon children will have lunch shortly after arrival at 1.30pm.
On return to nursery could you check that your child’s wellies for outdoor play still fit them. The nursery has purchased more puddle suits therefore your child will be allocated one to use when attending.
Could you also ensure children have a change of clothes in their shoe bag in the event they get wet during water play or have a toileting accident. Indoor shoes – Infection prevention dictates that all children should have indoor shoes at nursery. Plimsoles are best for safety indoors as the children are less likely to slip. Please do not buy cloth soled slippers.
Please wear old clothes as children will be playing with paints and outdoor play can become very messy. We want your children to be able to enjoy all manner of outdoor play without worrying about getting their clothes dirty. Please also ensure your child’s name is on all clothing items including jackets and shoes.
Please continue to have respect for the local residents surrounding the nursery. When parking please ensure you are not blocking any driveways. Please do not drive up Ardmorey Avenue, this area is an access road for residents only and it is also the muster point for the nursery in the event of a fire therefore safety is imperative.
Holiday lists below
Please remember we are here to provide help and support as much as we can.
Mary and all the staff at Ardnahoe