Ardnahoe Nursery School
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Staff create a long term plan at the start of each school year which takes into account in house and local events as well as festivals throughout the year.

Staff then create a medium plan which is developed through consultation with the children.  Children are involved in planning meetings within their group and take part in a voting process to decide on the topic for the next  few weeks.  Children also decide on what they want to find out about their chosen topic and how best to find this information out.

Children also take part in plan, do and review sessions throughout the topic where they chose a specific experience and feedback to their group about how they did.

We use big books and wall planners to record our work.

We include a brief outline of our plan on the reverse of the newsletter for you to continue the learning at home. We ask for your views on the plan at the end. Please fill in an evaluation slip to let us know what you learned at home.